Mar 20, 2023
Ronnie Jo Horse Honored by USA Today
We were thrilled to see Ronnie Jo Horse, Executive Director of Western Native Voice recognized by USA Today as one of their 2023 Women of the Year. Ronnie Jo is truly an incredible leader; we are grateful to have her in our state making Native voices heard and building future leaders.
Ronnie Jo Horse works with Native communities on and off Montana’s seven reservations to build political power, leadership and shape policy and law that affects Native communities. From registering voters to addressing the crisis of missing Indigenous women, from training future community leaders and advocating for Native representation in policymaking – Horse’s leadership at Western Native Voice has helped the organization continue to fight for Native rights.
In grant conversations, Ronnie Jo is quick to spotlight the accomplishments of her staff and the communities they work with, shining a light on their power and agency rather than her own. She sees the role every individual can play in leading Montana to a more sustainable and equitable future so that Native communities flourish. It is a privilege to receive these lessons on leadership, and Headwaters’ honor to support the ongoing work of Ronnie Jo and her team at Western Native Voice.